Cultivating Happiness

Do You Believe You Can Cultivate Happiness? Or  Do you believe that happiness is somewhat of a mystery, that being happy is a result of some event, achievement or waking up on the right side of the bed?  Is happiness something that happens to you instead of you to it. Then you just might want to read further.

I have news for you. Happiness isn’t something that happens to you. Happiness is an inside job. It is an indicator of your wellbeing.

How connected to your wellbeing are you? If you don’t know, then stick with me. Understanding what happiness is and isn’t is a good start toward uncovering the happiness that is waiting for you.

What you might find surprising is the definition of happiness is not as clear as you might think. With a few clicks on your computer, you can discover a lot of definitions surrounding the concept of happiness. Some will resonate with you, and some will not. That’s because part of the challenge in defining happiness is that it is subjective. What makes me happy may not make you happy and vice versa.

Another problem that adds to the confusion of happiness is believing that it is the result of some random act of goodness. A momentary feel-good that just happens out of the blue. Happiness is not a random occurrence any more than it is something that bestowed upon the lucky or blessed few. Happiness is not affiliated with some magical fairy or punitive God either.

Adding to the mystery about happiness is mistaking happiness for the feeling of extreme joy or bliss. Happiness may include moments of joy and bliss, but it’s more than a single feeling state. It is an indicator of your state of wellbeing.

When you know what happiness is, you then have a tuning fork for life. When tuned in, you know when something is true for you or not. Navigating through life becomes easier because you can feel whether something resonates or doesn’t.

Happiness is a signal fo your life. When you can’t sense the state of your wellbeing you are in a state of resistance or contradiction, which is a sign to slow down, or wait or try again.

Another great thing about knowing your happiness is that you begin identifying more who you are instead of who you are not. This shift changes how you see yourself, others, and the world. Knowing your happiness widens your perspective so that you can see more than ever before. It is inclusive and appreciates the delicate connection between all things. It is a hopeful and purposeful view of life that allows room for more.

Understanding happiness is vital to living the life of your dreams. You begin to see opportunities and experience connections. It is from this vantage point that you are better able to solve problems, face fears, overcome limitations and crush obstacles.

Realizing happiness isn’t a random event. Realizing happiness requires your active participation because that is what life is all about – being a part of it all.

So harness your courage, nurture your willingness and actively cultivate your own happiness.

Be Your Own Coach- Spend a few minutes every day for a week defining, feeling and remembering what makes you happy. It’s enough to start an upward spiral of positivity.

  • What does happiness mean to you?
  • How does happiness feel?  … (contentment, nostaligia, joy, peace, willingness, acceptance)
  • At the end of each day make a list of how many times you felt happy-good through out your day.

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